At last Ali Azmat has managed to get his solo album out of the door.... I've been listening to it for the past few days and it definitely sounds different from the Junoon (in case some of u are wondering).... in one word.... definitely "creative"...
Ali Azmat has let his vocal cords loose here and gone completely crazy.... really he probably the best vocalist around as far as molesting the voice box is concerned... altho i think he has over-done the synth stuff (drum machine etc.)
Some of the songs are pretty good.. with my favorite being "Mein" .... although i feel he has changed it a little bit since the last time i heard it... and yeah i liked the last one better... coz he has probably changed the lines and slowed it down a bit.. but still its nice ;)
Most of the songs have variety to offer.. at the very least... and i like him mentioning Salman Ahmad and Brian O Connell in the acknowledgments on his (bizzare) cover...
You can listen to clips from the album from his very own website or listen to complete songs from one of the many music sites like
[For noobs: Ali Azmat is the lead singer of Junoon]